Winamp Portable Media Players
Winamp 5 Full.Winamp is a fast, flexible, high-fidelity music player for Windows. Surface laptop yet combines speed, graphics, and immersive gaming with the versatility of a laptop, tablet, and portable studio. Media Monitor Winamp Media Monitor allows web-based browsing and bookmarking music blog websites and automatically offering for streaming or downloading all MP3 files there. Winamp has extendable support for portable media players and Mass Storage Compliant devices, Microsoft PlaysForSure, and ActiveSync, and syncs unprotected music to the iPod.
Though there still is a community on the official web site, the new owners of the program have apparently not continued with its development which leaves us with the last stable version 5.666. This Winamp download is actually the original version of the program before it ceased development. This Winamp download is actually the original version of the program before it ceased development. Though its hayday has ended, this very popular mp3, audio and Internet radio player still has a very strong following despite the demise of its former owner, Nullsoft.